Paris (artprint)


Art Print

“Discover the seduction and power of timeless beauty in my unique art prints, analyzed through intertwined times of passion.”

Made on 310 grams Hähnemühle German Etching Fine Art Paper.
Title: ‘PARIS’

Different sizes;

Size : 30 x 20 cm
Size : 70 x 50 cm
Size : 100 x 70 cm

The Art prints have an off white passe partout within the size

Original work: 2023
Copyright Yvon van Bergen

Voelt dit als jouw art piece?

Le réveur 

La réveuse I


Beau original art piece by Yvon van Bergen






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Atelier sale

Atelier sale
Zondag 18 juni

Kom gezellig langs en shop Yvon’s Art Faces op canvas, linnen, papier, hout en keramiek.

Locatie: Heijenseweg 61, 6591 HB, Gennep